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Single sign-on allows authentication with Commerce using an external authentication provider. Using an existing authentication provider allows for integration with company-specific or customizable authentication systems. In some cases, it can also simplify the log-in experience because they don’t need to remember another password.

Commerce supports two types of single sign-on users:

  • End users, that is, customers of your store.
  • Administrators, who can use single sign-on to log on to Commerce Manager.

When users need to authenticate, they are redirected to the single sign-on provider, which then communicates the result of the authentication process back to Commerce.

You can set up Commerce to allow single sign-on for end users, using the OpenID Connect standard.


When users authenticate using an external authentication provider, authentication details, such as username and password, are neither stored on nor sent through Commerce.

Authentication Realms

Authentication realms contain general options for configuration, sets of single sign-on profiles, and user mapping information between Commerce, and the external authentication provider.

Composable Commerce comes with three per-store pre-set realms:

  • Buyer Organization. For customers: users who buy products from your store.
  • Merchant Organization. For administrators: users who log in to Commerce Manager to modify the store’s settings or catalog.
  • Account Management Realm. For account members: users who buy products from your store on behalf of accounts.

Authentication Providers and Composable Commerce

Commerce supports many OpenID Connect compatible authentication providers. For more information, see Requirements for Authentication Providers.

External reference